Books and Other Writing
My second novel, Amateurs, was published in May of 2016 by Coffee House Press. It’s a comic novel, not entirely frivolous, I hope, but perhaps light enough to be enjoyed on beaches or in some other flip-flopped summery setting. It borrows some devices from romantic comedy: there’s a wedding, for instance, and a youngish man of vast independent means, and a fair amount of talking that might be called courtship.
The first novel is moodier, less plotted, altogether looser. It’s narrated by a man remembering a disruptive early nineties visit from one of his mother’s former exes, a sort of Mephistophelian outlaw and also-ran musician. The book includes a free download code for its companion album, Dylan Hicks Sings Bolling Greene, which can also be purchased separately as an LP, CD, or download.
I’m not currently working on a novel or any other book-length manuscript. For now I’m concentrating more on songwriting and music. Song lyrics are a branch of literature. And sometimes I write and improvise prose in group improvisations.